Sunday, September 4, 2011

our Kitchen redo.

When we moved into this house a few years ago, thankfully everything was painted tolerable colors and we could re do rooms as time, and money, permitted. We finally got around to the kitchen. However we still need some stuff done that money didn't permit like a new stove and floor. I am pretty sure there is some water damage by the sliding door and that is just going to have to wait so the tiles stayed. My wonderful parents came up and spent several days helping me do this project and acting as interior decorator and electrician as needed. Add to the fact we were working in here when the earthquake hit, it all added up to alot of memories.

Here is the countertop and a snip it of the brick wall and green wall paint


first attempt at spray paint counter tops

corner cabintes w/ new hardware by fridge, counter tops are drying and will not stay empty long, toaster over going over here and red mixer

New microwave over the stove, newly painted brick and cabinets
Side wall by sink. newlly painted countertops with stainless steel paint and alot of poly overcoats.

vinel wall clock. I had extra birds so they are on my menu board


Anonymous said...

I love it!!! I really like the painted brick. Great colors.

Laurie said...

I love this great job! The colors are great. I love your clock. ~ Farmerwife

Anonymous said...

Shannon, you did a fabulous job ! Love the colors !

Anonymous said...
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