Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

So this is a new month in the happiness project and new goals to look into. She suggested we start a blog. I had already started one however I am not good at using it every day. Heck, I have a journal I bought for this project and it sits there, empty. Well amost empty minus my commandments. I would like to start journaling some of my thoughts on the book in there. For her blogging was about pushing out of her comfort zone. I can see that. If I don't feel like I know what to say, I say nothing.... So what do you blog about? Where do your ideas come from?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't start a blog for the longest time because I didn't know if I would have anything to write about. Turns out I do - all the mundane junk that is my life!!noseste